Interface IResolvedFileList

    • Method Detail

      • collectResult

        <R,​E extends Throwable> R collectResult​(IResolvedFileListProcessor<R,​E> handler)
                                               throws E extends Throwable
        Iterates over all resolved resource items, processes them with the given handler, and returns the combined result of all resource items. Standard use case is to convert errors to hard and soft workflow node errors and return a list of all resolved files.

        If you wish to use the standard error behavior for files, use standardFileErrorsSingle or standardFileErrorsMultiple. Otherwise, provide your own processor implementation, or extends the StandardErrorFileListProcessor.

        Type Parameters:
        R - Type of the combined result of all resource items.
        E - Type of the error that may be thrown when any errors are present.
        handler - Handler for processing the errors and the results.
        The combined result of all resource items.
        E - The first error thrown by the handler.
        E extends Throwable
      • getContainingDirectory

        File getContainingDirectory()
        Retrieves the directory that contains all the resolved files; and only the resolved files. The directory is empty when no files were found.
        A temporary directory with all the files from the given descriptor. null when IResourceItemResolutionErrorProviding.getErrors() is not null.
      • getFileList

        IReferencedFileList getFileList()
        The file list that was resolved to obtain this result.
      • getResolvedFilesPartial

        default List<IResolvedFile> getResolvedFilesPartial()
        All files that were found, regardless of whether errors occurred or not. When errors is not empty, this list may be incomplete.