Class AppointmentDao

    • Constructor Detail

      • AppointmentDao

        public AppointmentDao()
        Creates a new, default appointment DAO.
    • Method Detail

      • countBy

        public int countBy​(IEntityContext ec,
                           IAppointmentQueryParams params)
        Description copied from interface: IAppointmentDao
        Returns the number of all appointments that match the given query params.
        Specified by:
        countBy in interface IAppointmentDao
        ec - Current entity context for accessing the database.
        params - Restrictions to apply to the appointments that are included in the count.
        The number of appointments matching the query params.
      • getAllBy

        public List<Appointment> getAllBy​(IEntityContext ec,
                                          IAppointmentQueryParams params)
        Description copied from interface: IAppointmentDao
        Returns all appointments that match the given query params.
        Specified by:
        getAllBy in interface IAppointmentDao
        ec - Current entity context for accessing the database.
        params - Restrictions to apply to the appointments that are returned.
        All appointments matching the given query params.
      • getAttributesBy

        public <View extends IEffectiveAppointmentStatusProvidingList<View> getAttributesBy​(IEntityContext ec,
                                                                                              IAppointmentQueryParams params,
                                                                                              Class<View> viewClass)
        Description copied from interface: IAppointmentDao
        Returns all appointments that match the given query params.
        Specified by:
        getAttributesBy in interface IAppointmentDao
        Type Parameters:
        View - Type of the view with the attributes.
        ec - Current entity context for accessing the database.
        params - Restrictions to apply to the appointments that are returned.
        viewClass - Type of the view with the attributes.
        All views for the appointments matching the given query params.
      • getByUUID

        public Appointment getByUUID​(IEntityContext ec,
                                     String uuid)
        Description copied from interface: IAppointmentDao
        Finds the appointment with the given UUID.
        Specified by:
        getByUUID in interface IAppointmentDao
        ec - Current entity context for accessing the database.
        uuid - UUID of an appointment. restriction is applied.
        The appointment with the given UUID.
      • getByUUID

        public Appointment getByUUID​(IEntityContext ec,
                                     UUID uuid)
        Description copied from interface: IAppointmentDao
        Finds the appointment with the given UUID.
        Specified by:
        getByUUID in interface IAppointmentDao
        ec - Current entity context for accessing the database.
        uuid - UUID of an appointment.
        The appointment with the given UUID.