Package de.xima.fc.mdl.enums
Commonly used enumeration that are mainly used in model classes.
Enum Summary Enum Description EAccessProperty An access property describes the permissions a FORMCYCLE user is granted.EAktionsResultat Resultat eines Workflow-Schrittes.EAnrede The form of address of a person.EAppenderKey Deprecated. EAppenderType Enum with the available log-appender-typesEAppointmentStatus Indicates the status of anAppointment
.EAttachmentSource EAuthClientType EAuthConfigState An enumeration with the possible states of an authenticator, indicating whether it's configuration is complete.EBenamungsModus Die Enumeration Benamungsmodus wird dazuverwendet um anzugeben ob die Standardelementbenamung aus dem Designer genutzt wird, oder die benutzerspezifischen Benamungen.EBenutzerStatus Der Benutzerstatus gibt an ob der Nutzer das System nutzen kann, er blockiert oder gar gelöscht ist.EBenutzerTyp An enumeration of the different user types.EBenutzerverwaltungsTyp EByteOrderMarkMode Enumeration of possible byte order marks, indicating whether a byte order mark is added to some data.EByteOrderMarkSupport EChangeFormAvailabilityType Enumeration of the different ways to change a form's availability, used by the workflow action.EClusterProtocolType ECommonFileSearchOptions ECommonServlets ECompressAsZipNamingScheme Enumeration with the possible values for how files are named when put into a ZIP archive.EConnectionStatus Enum der Verbindungs-StatusEContentDisposition ECounterActionType Defines types of actions for counters.ECounterRefGroupType Enum representing different groups for referencing countersECounterResetType Types of conditions by which an object/entity may be resetEDatenabfrageTyp EDatenbankTyp Enumeration of the database management systems natively supported by FORMCYCLE.EDatenquellenTyp EDBEncryptionAlgorithm EElementHelpPageTargetType Enumeration of how how a workflow element can provide the user with a usage help page.EElementPrototypeTag Enumeration of tags for workflow element prototypes that affect how the prototypes are displayed etc.EEmailBodyFormatType Types of mail body sending formatEEncryptionTestResult EEntityRefType Type of reference to an entityEExecCondition Deprecated. Use the new workflow engine, such asWorkflowNode
.EExportContext Context for use inExportDetails
to determine when a field should be exportedEExportToXmlField Enumeration of additional fields that can be included in the generated XML file with the submitted form data.EExterneRessourcenTyp EFileConflictMode Enumeration indicating how to proceed when a file exists already.EFormAuthTyp Deprecated. EFormElementTyp Elementtypen in Formularen, die für die Platzhalter-API relevant sind.EFormFieldTyp This enum lists the different types of form elements.EFormImpexOption Definiert die möglichen Import/Export-Optionen für ein FormularEFormRecordDataAccess Enum for regulating access to form recordsEFormRequestType FormVersion-KomandosEFormTargetState When a form is submitted, a new state must be determined for the form.EFormTemplateScope EFormTyp Von Formcycle unterstützte Formulartypen.EFormVersionActions FormVersion aktionen einer FormVersionEFreigabeStatus Freigabe-Status einer FormVersionEFreigabeTyp Typ des Freigabemechanismus eines MandantenEHttpVerb A list of well-known HTTP verbs, mostly those defined by the HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 standards.EI18nSource Given a default string and a language-specific string, indicates which string should be used.EIconType ELanguage ELayoutType Enum with appender-layout patternsELdapLoginStatus ELicenseFeature ELicenseFileType ELicenseState ELicenseVersionState ELiquibaseCmd ELizenzTyp Deprecated. ELoggerType ELoginContext ELogLevel Enum representing log levelsEMailEncrpytionType Enumeration of possible email encryption methods.EMailEncryption EMatchCondition EMime EModule EMultipleConditionCombinationType Enumeration of the different possibilities how the individual conditions of a multiple condition workflow node may be combined.ENodeCompletionType Enumeration of the possible types how the execution of a workflow node was completed.EObjectGraphVisitResult Result returned byIObjectGraphVisitor
that indicates how the visit should proceed.EPasswordAssignType Typen für die Art der Passwortvergabe (bei Anlegen eines Benutzers)EPasswordLinkType Link-Typen für das Passwort am Benutzer setzenEPasswordPolicy EPlaceholderEscaper Enumeration of several commonIPlaceholderEscaper
implementations.EPluginCompatibility EPluginFormResourceType Deprecated. EPostfachColumnIdentifier EProjectSpecificDBTable Definiert die projektspezifischen Datentabelle, in denen die Vorgangsdaten abgelegt werden können.EProtocolEntryProcessType EProtokollEintragTyp Deprecated. ERequestType EResourceItemType Enumeration of the different types of resources that can be selected in the configuration of workflow actions.ERessourcenTyp ERollen ERollenTyp Der Enum RollenTyp wird dazu genutzt spezielle Systemberechtigungen zu setzen, die in der Logik selbst ausgewertet werden und nicht in denEntityberechtigung
en.EServletAction An enumeration of the available HTTP methods for a HTTP servlet.EStatusRefType Type of reference to a stateEStatusTyp Deprecated. Use the new workflow engine, e.g.EStringMatchType Enumeration of how to string are compared to another.ESystemInfo Enum
representing types of system informationETextbausteinKategorie ETextbausteinMsgCode Dieser Enum listet alle möglichen Nachrichtencodes auf, die Textbausteinen zugeordnet werden könnenETextFileContentType Enumeration of the possible content types that can be selected for theEWorkflowNodeType#FC_CREATE_TEXT_FILE
.ETimePointTriggerDurationUnit Enumeration of the available duration units the user can enter forEWorkflowTriggerType.FC_TIME_POINT
.ETimePointTriggerOperation Enumeration of the available operations for the left and right hand side expressions the user can enter forEWorkflowTriggerType.FC_TIME_POINT
.ETimePointType Enumeration of the possible ways how a point in time may be specified.EUploadType EUserAuthorizationType Deprecated. EValidationSeverity Describes the severity of aIWorkflowValidationMessage
.EVerarbeitungsTyp Klasse zum Mappen von hinterlegten Verarbeitungsnamen zur entsprechenden Klasse TODO: 2.5!EWeiterverarbeitung_Aktion EWeiterverarbeitung_Bedingung Deprecated. Use the new workflow engine, such asWorkflowNode
.EWeiterverarbeitung_Status EWorkflowEventLoopTiming EWorkflowNodeType A list of built-in workflow types.EWorkflowStateModelProperty EWorkflowStateType Enumeration ofWorkflowState
s types that may be treated specially by the system.EWorkflowTriggerType A list of built-in event names, as required byAWorkflowElement.getType()
EZugriffsrecht Der Enum Zugriffsrechte dient dazu die Rechte eindeutig zu identifizieren