Interface IWorkflowGlobalHandlerValidationContext

    • Method Detail

      • addGlobalValidationMessage

        void addGlobalValidationMessage​(ElementKey elementKey,
                                        IWorkflowValidationMessage message)
        Adds a validations message for the workflow element with the given key.
        elementKey - Key of the element to which the validation result applies.
        message - Validation message to add.
      • getFlowAnalysis

        IWorkflowFlowAnalysis getFlowAnalysis()
        A handler for querying data about the execution of the workflow task being validated, such as whether a certain node is reachable from another node.
      • getNodeByUuid

        IWorkflowElementWithDeserializedModel<?,​WorkflowNode> getNodeByUuid​(NodeKey key,
                                                                                  String nodeType)
        key - Key of a node to find.
        nodeType - Expected type of the node. Pass null or the empty string to return the node irrespective of its type.
        The node with the given key and the given type in the current workflow process. null when no such node exists.
      • getNodeByUuid

        default IWorkflowElementWithDeserializedModel<?,​WorkflowNode> getNodeByUuid​(ElementKey key,
                                                                                          String nodeType)
        key - Key of a node to find.
        nodeType - Expected type of the node. Pass null or the empty string to return the node irrespective of its type.
        The node with the given key and the given type in the current workflow process. null when no such node exists.
      • getTriggerByUuid

        IWorkflowElementWithDeserializedModel<?,​WorkflowTrigger> getTriggerByUuid​(TriggerKey key,
                                                                                        String triggerType)
        key - Key of a trigger to find.
        triggerType - Expected type of the trigger. Pass null or the empty string to return the trigger irrespective of its type.
        The trigger with the given key and the given type in the current workflow process. null when no such node exists.
      • getTriggerByUuid

        default IWorkflowElementWithDeserializedModel<?,​WorkflowTrigger> getTriggerByUuid​(ElementKey key,
                                                                                                String triggerType)
        key - Key of a trigger to find.
        triggerType - Expected type of the trigger. Pass null or the empty string to return the trigger irrespective of its type.
        The trigger with the given key and the given type in the current workflow process. null when no such node exists.
      • markGlobalValidationFailed

        void markGlobalValidationFailed​(ElementKey key)
        Marks the given workflow element as invalid, when validation failed.
        key - Key of the element to mark as invalid.