Interface ISearchTermHandler

    • Method Detail

      • entitySearchTerm

        default String entitySearchTerm​(Class<? extends IUUIDEntity> entityClass)
        Helper method for the default search term name used to store references to entities.
        entityClass - Type of the referenced entity.
        The name of the search term for an entity reference of the given type.
      • entitySearchTerm

        default String entitySearchTerm​(de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long> entity)
        Helper method for the default search term name used to store references to entities.
        entity - Referenced entity.
        The name of the search term for an entity reference for the given entity.
      • entitySearchTerm

        default String entitySearchTerm​(IEntityReference reference)
        Helper method for the default search term name used to store references to entities.
        reference - Referenced entity.
        The name of the search term for the given entity reference.
      • entitySearchTerms

        default Map<String,​List<String>> entitySearchTerms​(IEntityReference reference)
        Helper method for the default search term name used to store references to entities.
        reference - Referenced entity.
        A new modifiable map prefilled with the search term form the given entity reference.
      • entitySearchTerms

        default Map<String,​List<String>> entitySearchTerms​(Iterable<? extends IEntityReference> references)
        Helper method for the default search term name used to store references to entities.
        references - Referenced entities.
        A new modifiable map prefilled with the search terms form the given entity references.
      • entitySearchTerms

        default Map<String,​List<String>> entitySearchTerms​(String searchTermName,
                                                                 IEntityReference reference)
        Helper method for the default search term name used to store references to entities.
        searchTermName - Custom name for the search term.
        reference - Referenced entity name.
        A new modifiable map prefilled with the search term for the given entity reference.
      • entitySearchTerms

        default Map<String,​List<String>> entitySearchTerms​(String searchTermName,
                                                                 Iterable<? extends IEntityReference> references)
        Helper method for the default search term name used to store references to entities.
        searchTermName - Custom name for the search term.
        references - Referenced entities.
        A new modifiable map prefilled with the search terms form the given entity references.
      • nodeSearchTermExists

        default de.xima.cmn.criteria.FilterCriterion nodeSearchTermExists​(String key,
                                                                          de.xima.cmn.criteria.FilterCriterion... moreFilters)
        key - Key to match.
        moreFilters - Additional filters to chain via AND to the created filter. The filters must be relative to the node search term entity.
        A new filter criterion for checking whether a node search term with the given key exists.
      • nodeSearchTermExists

        default de.xima.cmn.criteria.FilterCriterion nodeSearchTermExists​(String key,
                                                                          String value)
        key - Key to match.
        value - Value to match.
        A new filter criterion for checking whether a node search term with the given key exists and is mapped to the given value.
      • nodeSearchTermNotExists

        default de.xima.cmn.criteria.FilterCriterion nodeSearchTermNotExists​(String key,
                                                                             de.xima.cmn.criteria.FilterCriterion... moreFilters)
        key - Key to match.
        moreFilters - Additional filters to chain via AND to the created filter. The filters must be relative to the node search term entity.
        A new filter criterion for checking whether no node search term with the given key exists.
      • nodeSearchTermNotExists

        default de.xima.cmn.criteria.FilterCriterion nodeSearchTermNotExists​(String key,
                                                                             String value)
        key - Key to match.
        value - Value to match.
        A new filter criterion for checking whether no node search term with the given key exists and is mapped to the given value.
      • putEntitySearchTerm

        default void putEntitySearchTerm​(Map<String,​List<String>> searchTerms,
                                         IEntityReference reference)
        Helper method that adds the search term for a referenced entity to the given map.
        searchTerms - Map of search terms to modify.
        reference - Referenced entity.
      • putEntitySearchTerm

        default void putEntitySearchTerm​(Map<String,​List<String>> searchTerms,
                                         IMultiFileProviding multiFile)
        Helper method that adds the search term for the referenced entities to the given map.
        searchTerms - Map of search terms to modify.
        multiFile - Multi file with referenced entities.
      • putEntitySearchTerm

        default void putEntitySearchTerm​(Map<String,​List<String>> searchTerms,
                                         ISingleFileProviding singleFile)
        Helper method that adds the search term for the referenced entities to the given map.
        searchTerms - Map of search terms to modify.
        singleFile - Single file with referenced entities.
      • putEntitySearchTerms

        default void putEntitySearchTerms​(Map<String,​List<String>> searchTerms,
                                          Iterable<? extends IEntityReference> references)
        Helper method that adds the search terms for a referenced entities to the given map.
        searchTerms - Map of search terms to modify.
        references - Referenced entities.
      • searchTerms

        default Map<String,​List<String>> searchTerms​(String searchTermName,
                                                           String searchTermValue)
        searchTermName - Name of the search term.
        searchTermValue - Value of the search term.
        A new modifiable map prefilled with the given search term.
      • triggerSearchTermExists

        default de.xima.cmn.criteria.FilterCriterion triggerSearchTermExists​(String key,
                                                                             de.xima.cmn.criteria.FilterCriterion... moreFilters)
        key - Key to match.
        moreFilters - Additional filters to chain via AND to the created filter. The filters must be relative to the trigger search term entity.
        A new filter criterion for checking whether a trigger search term with the given key exists.
      • triggerSearchTermExists

        default de.xima.cmn.criteria.FilterCriterion triggerSearchTermExists​(String key,
                                                                             String value)
        key - Key to match.
        value - Value to match.
        A new filter criterion for checking whether a trigger search term with the given key exists and is mapped to the given value.
      • triggerSearchTermNotExists

        default de.xima.cmn.criteria.FilterCriterion triggerSearchTermNotExists​(String key,
                                                                                de.xima.cmn.criteria.FilterCriterion... moreFilters)
        key - Key to match.
        moreFilters - Additional filters to chain via AND to the created filter. The filters must be relative to the trigger search term entity.
        A new filter criterion for checking whether no trigger search term with the given key exists.
      • triggerSearchTermNotExists

        default de.xima.cmn.criteria.FilterCriterion triggerSearchTermNotExists​(String key,
                                                                                String value)
        key - Key to match.
        value - Value to match.
        A new filter criterion for checking whether no trigger search term with the given key exists and is mapped to the given value.
      • uuidList

        default List<String> uuidList​(Iterable<? extends IEntityReference> references)
        references - Entity references to process.
        A list of stringified UUIDs of the given entity references.