Class ProjectTemplateBean

    • Constructor Detail

      • ProjectTemplateBean

        public ProjectTemplateBean()
    • Method Detail

      • loadTemplates

        public void loadTemplates​(String projectScope,
                                  boolean entities,
                                  boolean plugins)
        Method to load the templates
        projectScope - String the scope of the templates to load
        entities - Boolean if template-entities should be load
        plugins - Boolean if template-plugins should be load
      • isShowInstallButton

        public boolean isShowInstallButton()
        When importing a form from the form store, whether to display the button to install the form.
      • isShowUpdateButton

        public boolean isShowUpdateButton()
        When importing a form from the form store, whether to display the button to update the form.
      • uploadStoreFile

        public void uploadStoreFile()
        Remote command listener when a file from the form store is uploaded.
      • continueWithImport

        public void continueWithImport​(boolean update)
      • openNewProjectDialog

        public boolean openNewProjectDialog()
      • isStoreFormFileValid

        public boolean isStoreFormFileValid()
        Whether the uploaded store form file is valid.
      • isAskForUpdate

        public boolean isAskForUpdate()
        When a store form file was uploaded an a form with the same UUID exists already, whether to ask the user if they want to update the form or create a new form.
      • getFormStoreUrl

        public String getFormStoreUrl()
      • delete

        public void delete​(Projekt project)
      • updateModel

        public void updateModel()
      • onClickOpenFormStore

        public void onClickOpenFormStore()
        When the user clicks on the form card to open the form store. Adds the required data that need to be sent to the form store.
      • loadProjectTemplates

        public void loadProjectTemplates​(String projectScope)
        projectScope - the project scope to use for loading templats
      • getVersionWarning

        public String getVersionWarning()
      • setVersionWarning

        public void setVersionWarning​(String versionWarning)
      • getStoreFormData

        public String getStoreFormData()
        A JSON array with the data of the currently existing forms. Used by the form store to display which forms are already installed.
      • getMissingPluginsWarning

        public String getMissingPluginsWarning()
      • setMissingPluginsWarning

        public void setMissingPluginsWarning​(String missingPluginsWarning)
      • setProjectImportBean

        public void setProjectImportBean​(ProjectImportBean projectImportBean)
      • getUploadFile

        public File getUploadFile()
      • setUploadFile

        public void setUploadFile​(File uploadFile)