FcChangeFormAvailabilityExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcChangeFormAvailabilityProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a compress as ZIP action with the given params.
FcChangeFormValueExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcChangeFormValueProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a change form value action with the given parameters.
FcChangeStateExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcChangeStateProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a change state action with the given params.
FcCompressAsZipExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcCompressAsZipProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a compress as ZIP action with the given params.
FcCopyFormRecordExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcCopyFormRecordProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a copy form record and change state action with the given parameters.
FcCounterExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcCounterProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a counter node with the given params.
FcCreateTextFileExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcCreateTextFileProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a create text file action with the given params.
FcDoiInitExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcDoiInitProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a double opt-in initialization with the given parameters.
FcEmailExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcEmailProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing an email action with the given params.
FcExperimentExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcExperimentProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a multiple condition node with the given params.
FcExportToPersistenceExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcExportToPersistenceProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a export to persistence action with the given parameters.
FcExportToXmlExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcExportToXmlProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a export to XML action with the given parameters.
FcFillPdfExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcFillPdfProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing an pdf fill action with the given params.
FcFillWordExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcFillWordProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a Word fill action with the given params.
FcHttpRequestExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcHttpRequestProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a post request with the given params.
FcImportFormValueFromXmlExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcImportFormValueFromXmlProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing an import form value from XML action with the given parameters.
FcLdapQueryExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcLdapQueryProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a LDAP query with the given params.
FcMoveFormRecordToInboxExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcMoveFormRecordToInboxProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a show template action with the given parameters.
FcMultipleConditionExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcMultipleConditionProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a multiple condition node with the given params.
FcProvideResourceExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcProvideResourceProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing an PDF fill action with the given parameters.
FcQueueTaskExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcQueueTaskProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a change state action with the given params.
FcRedirectExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcRedirectProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a forwarding action with the given parameters.
FcRenewProcessIdExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcRenewProcessIdProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing an PDF fill action with the given parameters.
FcReturnFileExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcReturnFileProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing an return file action with the given parameters.
FcSaveToFileSystemExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcSaveToFileSystemProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a save to file system action with the given params.
FcSetSavedFlagExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcSetSavedFlagProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a set saved flag with the given parameters.
FcShowTemplateExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcShowTemplateProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a show template action with the given parameters.
FcSqlStatementExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcSqlStatementProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing a SQL statement action with the given params.
FcThrowExceptionExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcThrowExceptionProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing an return file action with the given parameters.
FcWriteFormRecordAttrExecutor(INodeExecutionParams<FcWriteFormRecordAttrProps> params) |
Creates a new executor for executing write custom attributes to form record action with the given parameters.