Interface IValidationOptions

    • Method Detail

      • getLocale

        Locale getLocale()
        Optional locale for localizing error messages. Locale.ENGLISH is used when this returns null.
      • getVariableExistenceCheck

        Function<String,​Boolean> getVariableExistenceCheck()
        A test that, given the name of a variable, checks whether that variable exists. This can be used for dynamic variables. When this returns null, the result of getKnownVariables() is used instead. When not null, the result of this check overrides the result of getKnownVariables(). Must return true when the variable exists, false when the variable does not exist, and null when not certain whether it exists.
      • isTreatExtraneousVariablesAsError

        boolean isTreatExtraneousVariablesAsError()
        true to create messages with severity FCMessage.ESeverity.ERROR when a variable is found that does not occur in the expression, or false to create messages with FCMessage.ESeverity.WARN.
      • isTreatNonExistingVariablesAsError

        boolean isTreatNonExistingVariablesAsError()
        true to create messages with severity FCMessage.ESeverity.ERROR when a variable that occurs in the expression does not exist, or false to create messages with FCMessage.ESeverity.WARN.