Interface IPluginFormPreRespondParams

    • Method Detail

      • getVorgang

        Vorgang getVorgang()
        The current Vorgang, after the workflow was executed. It is newly created if the form was just submitted for the first time. When the form is resubmitted, this is the existing Vorgang.

        Note that this is the current form record with the modification performed during workflow execution. In contrast, IFormRequestContext.getVorgang() is the form record as it was when the form was submitted, without the modifications from the workflow.

      • getWorkflowResponse

        IWorkflowResponse getWorkflowResponse()
        This is the result from the old workflow engine, which scheduled to be removed soon. Use getTaskExecutionResult() for the new workflow.
        A pre-respond plugin is executed after the workflow was run. This method returns the result of that workflow processing.
        The result from the workflow execution.
      • getLdapUserData getLdapUserData()
        A JSONObject with the current LDAP data for the authenticated user. When the current form does not require authorization, or when the current user did not authorize via LDAP, this may return an empty JSONObject
      • getUserData getUserData()
      • getTaskExecutionResult

        IRemoteEventExecutionResult getTaskExecutionResult()
        A pre-respond plugin is executed after the workflow engine was run. This is the result of that workflow execution, after the individual results of all executed WorkflowTask were combined.
        The combined result from the workflow execution.