Class StringDataSheetUtils

  • public class StringDataSheetUtils
    extends Object
    Utility Class containing helper methods for working with a data grid model of type String
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultDataSheet

        public static final StringDataSheet getDefaultDataSheet()
      • getCSVStringFromDataSheet

        public static final String getCSVStringFromDataSheet​(StringDataSheet sheet)
      • getDataSheetFromExcelByteArray

        public static final StringDataSheet getDataSheetFromExcelByteArray​(byte[] data,
                                                                           String sheetName,
                                                                           int startAtLine)
                                                                    throws Exception
        Generates a StringDataSheet for the given sheet name
        data - byte array of excel file (.xls or .xlsx)
        sheetName - String of sheet name to generate StringDataSheets for
        StringDataSheet for given sheet name
        Exception - when an error during the reading occurs
      • getDataSheetsFromExcelByteArray

        public static final Map<String,​StringDataSheet> getDataSheetsFromExcelByteArray​(byte[] data,
                                                                                              List<String> sheetNames)
                                                                                       throws Exception
        Generates a Map with StringDataSheets (values) and their names (key) for the given sheet names
        data - byte array of excel file (.xls or .xlsx)
        sheetNames - List of names to generate StringDataSheets for
        Map with sheet names and sheets
        Exception - when an error during the reading occurs
      • getDataSheetsFromExcelByteArray

        public static final Map<String,​StringDataSheet> getDataSheetsFromExcelByteArray​(byte[] data)
                                                                                       throws Exception
        Generates a Map with StringDataSheets (values) and their names (key)
        data - byte array of excel file (.xls or .xlsx)
        Map with sheet names and sheets
        Exception - when an error during the reading occurs
      • getDataSheetFromTemplate

        public static final StringDataSheet getDataSheetFromTemplate​(Textbaustein template,
                                                                     Locale clientLocale,
                                                                     String technicalNameKeyColumn,
                                                                     String displayNameKeyColumn,
                                                                     String technicalNameDefaultColumn)
                                                              throws IOException
        Create a StringDataSheet object and returns it. The entries are read from the given Textbaustein.
        template - the Textbaustein object with the language specific overloaded properties
        clientLocale - the locale of the current Mandant object
        technicalNameKeyColumn - technical name for the key column
        displayNameKeyColumn - display name for the key column
        technicalNameDefaultColumn - technical name of the default column
        the read StringDataSheet
        IOException - when an error during the reading occurs
      • prefillDataSheetReferencesFromSystemProperties

        public static final void prefillDataSheetReferencesFromSystemProperties​(ADataSheet<String> sheet,
                                                                                Locale clientLocale,
                                                                                String keyColumnName,
                                                                                String propKeyReferences)
        Fills the given data sheet with the data from the system properties.
        sheet - the data sheet to prefill
        clientLocale - the locale of the current Mandant-object
        keyColumnName - the name of the 'key' column
        propKeyReferences - name of the i18n properties file key, which holds the reference values
      • getPropertyObjectsFromDataSheet

        public static final Map<String,​Properties> getPropertyObjectsFromDataSheet​(StringDataSheet dataSheet,
                                                                                         String columnNameForPropertyKey,
                                                                                         String columnNameForDefault,
                                                                                         Locale currentClientLocale)
        Generates a Properties-Object from all Columns in given data sheet. One column from the data sheet must be defined as properties key.
        dataSheet - contains the data for the properties objects
        columnNameForPropertyKey - name of the columns, which represents the key's for the properties-objects
        columnNameForDefault - name of the column, with represents the default locale for the client
        currentClientLocale - the current locale of Mandant-object
        a Map-object with all overloaded Properties
      • findSheetDimensions

        public static SheetDimension findSheetDimensions​( sheet)