Class XItem

    • Field Detail

      • LOG

        public static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG
    • Constructor Detail

      • XItem

        public XItem​( jsonObject,
    • Method Detail

      • getRenderData

        public XItemRenderData getRenderData​(IXFormRenderConfig config)
        Use XItemRenderDataBuilder#withXItem(XItem) to set the data from this item on the render data.
        config - Form render configuration to pass on to the item render data.
        A new item render data with some values prefilled.
      • render

        public render​(IXFormRenderConfig xFormRenderConfig,
                                                      HashMap<String,​> parents,
                                                      Map<String,​List<String[]>> valuesMap,
                                                      boolean forceDisabled,
                                                      IXFormRenderContext formRenderCtx,
                                                      boolean attributeCompatMode,
                                                      boolean elementClassNameMode)
        xFormRenderConfig - Current form render configuration.
        parents - Map between the ID of an element and the IDs of all its parents.
        valuesMap - Map between the ID of an element and its values.
        forceDisabled - Whether to force the element to be disabled (not editable).
        formRenderCtx - Current form render context.
        clientModel - Data about the current client.
        attributeCompatMode - Whether the items should be rendered so that it conforms to the W3C HTML standard (such as no custom attributes other that data- etc. This is for backwards compatibility, new elements should always render in an HTML-compliant manner).
        elementClassNameMode - Whether to include a CSS class with the name of the element.
        The rendered HTML of the item.
      • render

        public render​(IXFormRenderConfig xFormRenderConfig,
                                                      HashMap<String,​> parents,
                                                      Map<String,​List<String[]>> valuesMap,
                                                      boolean forceDisabled,
                                                      IXFormRenderContext formRenderCtx,
                                                      boolean designerPreview,
                                                      boolean attributeCompatMode,
                                                      boolean elementClassNameMode)
        xFormRenderConfig - Current form render configuration.
        parents - Map between the ID of an element and the IDs of all its parents.
        valuesMap - Map between the ID of an element and its values.
        forceDisabled - Whether to force the element to be disabled (not editable).
        formRenderCtx - Current form render context.
        designerPreview - Whether the element should be rendered for the form designer preview (as opposed to the live form users can fill in).
        clientModel - Data about the current client.
        attributeCompatMode - Whether the items should be rendered so that it conforms to the W3C HTML standard (such as no custom attributes other that data- etc. This is for backwards compatibility, new elements should always render in an HTML-compliant manner).
        elementClassNameMode - Whether to include a CSS class with the name of the element.
        The rendered HTML of the item.