Package de.xima.fc.exceptions
Package für allgemeine Exceptions
Interface Summary Interface Description IFormI18nException Exception where theIXfcException.getMessageKey()
points to a key in the form I18N messages.IXfcException -
Class Summary Class Description XfcExceptionData -
Exception Summary Exception Description AbstractAbruptCompletionException Indicates that execution of a workflow node ended abruptly.AbstractXfcException Diese Klasse ist die Superklasse von denen alle neudefinierten Exceptions erben sollen.AbstractXfcRuntimeException Diese Klasse ist die Superklasse von denen alle neudefinierten Exceptions erben sollen.AjaxUploadException When an error occurred in the AJAX upload servlet.ContextBuilderException CouldNotLockFormRecordException Indicates that a form record could not be lockedDuplicateFormElementAliasException Exception thrown when a multiple form elements have got the same alias, such as when persisting a form version.ExecutionAbortedException Indicates that execution of a workflow node was aborted.FastJsonException Similar toJSONException
, but with the difference that this is a checked exception.FileFormatException A particularIOException
caused by an invalid file formatHasReferenceException An exception that indicates that a certain operation cannot be performed on an entity, due to that entity still being reference by other entities.IsNotAssignableException LoginLockedException MalwareDetectedException Generic exception that is thrown when a file or some data was detected to contain malware.MissingEntityException NodeReturnedException Indicates that an exception occurred during the execution of a workflow node.NodeSoftErrorException Indicates that a soft error occurred during the execution of a workflow node.NodeThrewException Indicates that execution of a workflow node ended abruptly via a throw statement, including exceptions thrown by the workflow runtime engine.PatternNotFoundException PostPersistValidationException When form record validation failed after the form record was persisted.PropertyException 'Checked Exception' für Probleme bei der Property-Verarbeitung.ResourceAccessCheckException Exception that is thrown when access to a resource could not be checked due an unhandled or unforeseen error.TransformationException ValidationException Ausnahme für fehlgeschlagene Validierungen.WorkflowAnalysisException This exception is thrown when a workflow task or node could not be analyzed, seeIWorkflowFlowAnalysis
.WorkflowEventRunnerException Exception thrown by the workflow event runner.WorkflowPlaceholderException Exception thrown by the workflow placeholder refactorer.WorkflowProcessingException Diese Exception tritt in der Workflowabarbeitung auf und wird von konkreten Aktionsverarbeitungen (IProcessing
-Implementierungen) geworfen.WorkflowTaskExecutionException Exception thrown by the task runner when a task could not be executed.WorkflowValidationException This exception is thrown when an error occurs during workflow validation.XfcExportException XfcUpdateException