Interface IWorkflowTaskDao

    • Method Detail

      • getTasksWithTriggerType

        List<WorkflowTask> getTasksWithTriggerType​(IEntityContext ec,
                                                   Vorgang formRecord,
                                                   List<String> triggerTypes)
        ec - Entity context for interacting with the database.
        formRecord - Form record for which to find the tasks.
        triggerTypes - Trigger types of tasks to return.
        A list of all tasks with the given trigger types.
      • getTasksWithTriggerType

        default List<WorkflowTask> getTasksWithTriggerType​(IEntityContext ec,
                                                           Vorgang formRecord,
                                                           String... triggerTypes)
        ec - Entity context for interacting with the database.
        formRecord - Form record for which to find the tasks.
        triggerTypes - Trigger types of tasks to return.
        A list of all tasks with the given trigger types.