Interface IXBaseValidationParams

    • Method Detail

      • getClientId

        long getClientId()
        The ID of the current client to which the form belongs.
      • getFieldValuesMap

        Map<String,​List<String[]>> getFieldValuesMap()
        A map with all values that were submitted. The key is the name of a form field.
      • getDynContainerMap

        Map<String,​? extends IFormContainerMetaData> getDynContainerMap()
        A map with the meta data for repeated elements. The key is the name of a form field.
      • getFormRenderConfig

        IXFormRenderConfig getFormRenderConfig()
        The current form render config for accessing the global configuration of the validation process.
      • getFRQSessionAttributes

        Map<Serializable,​Serializable> getFRQSessionAttributes()
        All attributes from the current form request session.
      • getI18nValue

        String getI18nValue​(String i18nKey)
        i18nKey - I18n key for the localized message.
        The localized message for the given key, retrieved from the built-in resource bundle. Plugin resource bundles are not considered.
      • getLocale

        default Locale getLocale()
        The current locale to be used for creating error messages.
      • getValues

        List<String[]> getValues​(String key)
        key - Name of a form field.
        All values that were submitted for the given for the given form field name. The list contains multiple items when the form field is repeated; the array contains multiple items when the form field submitted multiple values (e.g. a select element with multiple set).
      • isValuesEmpty

        boolean isValuesEmpty​(List<String[]> values)
        values - List of values of a form field.
        true if the values are all empty, or false otherwise.
      • isShouldValidate

        boolean isShouldValidate()
        When designing a form, the user can choose whether the form should be validated when the a submit button is pressed. This returns true when a submit button was pressed that requires the form to be validated, and false. In general, no validation should be performed when this is false. However, there are some use cases when validation needs to be performed no matter the circumstances. In that case, this flag may be ignored.
        Whether the form should be validated.